Security Roles

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Security roles are integral to your property's functions, controlling what your staff can or can't do or access in Chorum. Proper role assignment ensures staff only access what they need to complete their responsibilities from day-to-day.

To access the your property's role settings, access the GM Functions module then beneath the Security and Permissions folder, click Security Roles.

The menu is split in two sections. Individual roles are listed in the upper portion of the menu, along with a description of the role (if one has been provided). To add a role, click New to add a blank row for the role. To edit an existing role, select it first then click Edit at the top of the menu. Note that a role cannot be deleted unless it has been unassigned from all users in Chorum (see Security Users if needed), with the exception of the Administrators role - this role is a default choice and cannot be removed.

After adding a role or selecting a role to edit, the bottom portion of the menu will display all permissions related to that role. A permission only applies to a role if it has been checkmarked.

After making your changes, click the Save button in the top-left corner to finish your work and update Chorum with the new or updated role. If you instead decide to undo your changes, use the Cancel or Refresh button to reverse and remove any unsaved work.